About Us

Who are We?

Port City BPO (Pvt) Ltd. is assumed by the JV entity of Aitken Spence PLC and IRIS Corporation Berhad.

Aitken Spence PLC

Aitken Spence PLC, listed on the Colombo Stock Exchange since 1983, boasts a diversified portfolio spanning over 150 years. Originating in 1868 as a trade in goods from the Southern Port of Sri Lanka, it has since expanded its operations to encompass 10 countries across Africa and Asia, pioneering projects in tourism, maritime, logistics, energy, plantations, services and apparel in the region.

  • Hotels
  • Destination Management
  • Airline GSA
  • Maritime & Port Services
  • Freight Forwarding,
    Courier & Airline GSA
  • Aitken Spence Logistics
  • Plantations
  • Printing & Packaging
  • Apparel Manufacture
  • Power Generation
  • Financial Services 
  • Elevator Agency
  • Insurance
  • BPO Services
  • Property Management

Key Strengths

Market Leadership

Leading blue-chip conglomerate in Sri Lanka.

Global Reach

Strategic presence in 11 countries including India, UAE and Singapore.


Top 10 Most Respected Entities and Most Admired Companies in Sri Lanka.

Financial Stability

Strong financial performance with significant growth in PBT and EBITDA

Diversified Portfolio

Presence in 16 industries such as tourism, logistics, energy and plantations

IRIS Corporation Berhad

IRIS Corporation Berhad, listed on the Bursa Malaysia (ACE) market since 2002, was established in 1994, as an MSC- status technology innovator. Specializing in Trust Identity products and solutions, IRIS is a global leader in eID, ePassport, Automated Border Control, and identity management ecosystems, with a presence in over 34 countries.
  • eID Solution
  • Digital ID Solution
  • Driver’s License Solution
  • Voter’s Card Solution
  • Smart Card Solution
  • ePassport Solution
  • eVisa Solution
  • Secure Document Solution
  • Border Control Solution
  • Smart eGates
  • Smart Devices
  • Smart Kiosk
  • Mobile Smart Terminal

Key Strengths

Market Leadership

Malaysia Digital (MD) status innovator and leading provider of Trusted Identification (ID) products and solutions

Global Reach

Strategic presence in 34 countries including Canada, India and Tanzania, with expansion ongoing

Reliable Track Record

Known for reliability, accuracy and security in Identity Verification Solutions

Strong IP Portfolio

Owner of 11 patents related to Trusted Identification

Across Industries

Established footprint in Government, Banking and Healthcare sectors

About Us

Our organisation is an Authorised Person approved by the Colombo Port City Economic Commission (CPCEC) specialising in BPO for offshore online entertainment activities.

An Authorised Person is an entity, that the CPCEC has granted a license in terms of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act No. 11 of 2021, that can, only, engage in business in and from the Colombo Port City.

The Colombo Port City Economic Commission (CPCEC)

The Colombo Port City Economic Commission (CPCEC) was established as a Single Window Investment facilitator to assist investors, businesses, and resident conduct their activities seamlessly and efficiently.

CPCEC is the sole GoSL entity, which is entrusted and authorised, by way of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. 11 of 2021, and is responsible for the granting of incentives or exemptions to the investor for the promotion of Business Strategic Importance within the Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

The Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, No. 11 of 2021 was approved by the Government of Sri Lanka in May 2011, with a modern legal framework and attractive regulations focused on ease of doing business.

How to get in touch?

Feel free to reach out to us via the contact form here or drop us an email at hello@portcitybpo.lk . We are eager to hear from you.